NeuroKinetic Therapy (NKT) for Pain Relief in Jacksonville

An important contributor to musculoskeletal pain are muscular compensation patterns and can cause improper weight loading on joints. When the body experiences an injury or any trauma (even fatigued muscles) the nervous system automatically and immediately puts into place another muscle to help or take over the work of the injured area’s muscle (i.e. hamstring for a very tired gluteus maximus in runners). This is a new neuromuscular strategy and consequently a new firing sequence of a muscle’s motor control, creating a dysfunctional movement pattern. If muscles are not firing in a proper sequence during movement, this leads to restriction, limited range of motion and muscle weakness.
NeuroKinetic Therapy (NKT) allows me to unravel these dysfunctional movement patterns and helps to “re-educate” your muscles and get you, my client, back to moving without pain. Make an appointment and get assessed. Using NKT protocols allows me, your massage movement specialist, get to the root of your problem. A typical NKT session requires active participation from the client during assessment. I assess and then correct the compensation patterns using massage techniques. Client should wear comfortable clothing similar to what is worn at a gym or a yoga studio. A session lasts between 90 minutes and 2 hours.
NeuroKinetic Therapy (NKT) allows me to unravel these dysfunctional movement patterns and helps to “re-educate” your muscles and get you, my client, back to moving without pain. Make an appointment and get assessed. Using NKT protocols allows me, your massage movement specialist, get to the root of your problem. A typical NKT session requires active participation from the client during assessment. I assess and then correct the compensation patterns using massage techniques. Client should wear comfortable clothing similar to what is worn at a gym or a yoga studio. A session lasts between 90 minutes and 2 hours.