Deep Tissue Massage
Deep tissue massage is a type of therapeutic massage that uses specific techniques to target deeper layers of muscles and connective tissue or fascia. These techniques are used to release tension and tightness that is deeper in the tissue, specific to the location and condition of the tension. Deep tissue massage therapy can be very beneficial for people who do get relief from massages intended for relaxation.
Deep tissue massage therapy can bring relief to many people experiencing a variety of ailments. This type of massage can bring relief to people to have long-term pain, which could be due to injury, long-term muscle tension, and poor posture, which can cause scar tissue over time. Deep tissue massage therapy releases this tension and increases blood flow, which in turn leads to greater mobility and pain reduction. Deep tissue massage can be beneficial for people experiencing headaches, restricted range of motion, low back pain, chronic pain, old injuries, Piriformis Syndrome, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Runner’s Knee, poor posture, and various muscle tension.
Due to depth of work that deep tissue therapy entails, there is a level of discomfort that is involved with deep tissue massage in comparison to relaxation massage. However, at Holistic Bodyworks Massage, we make sure to check in with our clients regularly during session to ensure that the amount of pressure that is used is not more than the client can handle. Deep tissue massage therapy utilizes techniques in addition to increased pressure, however it is important for the client to share with the therapist when it becomes too uncomfortable. Some soreness may occur, and it is important to drink lots of fluids.
Deep tissue massage therapy can bring relief to many people experiencing a variety of ailments. This type of massage can bring relief to people to have long-term pain, which could be due to injury, long-term muscle tension, and poor posture, which can cause scar tissue over time. Deep tissue massage therapy releases this tension and increases blood flow, which in turn leads to greater mobility and pain reduction. Deep tissue massage can be beneficial for people experiencing headaches, restricted range of motion, low back pain, chronic pain, old injuries, Piriformis Syndrome, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Runner’s Knee, poor posture, and various muscle tension.
Due to depth of work that deep tissue therapy entails, there is a level of discomfort that is involved with deep tissue massage in comparison to relaxation massage. However, at Holistic Bodyworks Massage, we make sure to check in with our clients regularly during session to ensure that the amount of pressure that is used is not more than the client can handle. Deep tissue massage therapy utilizes techniques in addition to increased pressure, however it is important for the client to share with the therapist when it becomes too uncomfortable. Some soreness may occur, and it is important to drink lots of fluids.